It's No Mystery
You don't need a crystal ball to try to predict the future of the real estate market. Every time there is a downturn, an upward trend always follows. The best course of action is to look at the causes, and make decisions based on unbiased facts and incontestable history.
As the choice of loan options grew these last few years, consumers could buy a home more easily. Wall Street took notice of all the hot action in real estate, and investment firms were able to shift the ownership of mortgages to their managers and clients.
Then about three years ago, the market began cooling, as incomes did not increase at the frantic pace that home prices did. Investors had created an atmosphere of unrealistically high appreciation. The perfect storm was brewing.
This cycle of up and then down seems more drastic now, because we enjoyed a longer than usual boom of activity, a full decade of it between 1995 and 2005. But demand still remains high, and although rising slightly, our historically low interest rates also help to fuel property purchases.
While there is no such thing as a national real estate market, we should be seeing improvement across the board as 2009 draws to a close. If you can, it's wise to buy now - before the ball lands back in the sellers' court.