Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seeing Green?

With global climate change and rising fuel prices, more people are growing interested in boosting energy efficiency, and homebuyers are among them. What improvements might you consider in order to make your home more marketable in the Environmental Age?

Believe it or not, simply caulking and weather-stripping your windows and doors are two of the quickest (and cheapest) ways to show off your home's efficiency. If you're ready to take the next step, upgrade your appliances to Energy Star standards to make a big impression. (You can research your current models at

Along those lines, you can ask your utility company to visit your home and perform an energy audit. It costs around $100 and takes only about an hour. Doing this in advance of your listing can be a powerful marketing tool, especially if you receive a good report or you make improvements based on its findings.

For instance, in an older home, you might go ahead and insulate your attic, helping your home retain heat and reducing your electric or fuel bills. Buyers who are made aware of this feature and the savings will likely move your home up their list of choices.

With all the other preparations involved in selling your home, it's easy to overlook the benefits of energy efficiency, but buyers are looking for them, so start seeing green!